Audi and 1 Hotel: a perfect partnership

When it was announced that new sustainable luxury hotel 1 Hotel Mayfair was opening in the summer of 2023 and that there was to be a tie-up with Audi, we instantly recognised the potential for some really engaging content…and a killer customer give away.

Checking in

We arranged to be among the first inside the hotel (before it opened) to photograph and create some storytelling around the eco-friendly interiors, the restaurants and driving the electric Audi ‘house cars’ around town. 

Right on time

A couple of days after the hotel’s opening, the article went live on Audi Update, the site we manage for Audi. It’s a space where we strive to connect with Audi enthusiasts – from updates on new cars to insights into the latest electric vehicles, ready-made road trips, and interviews with celebrity Audi drivers.

A luxury give-away

The 1 Hotel content, along with the chance to win dinner and a night’s stay at the luxurious hotel headed up the monthly Audi Update e-newsletter and, as predicted, was a hit with customers! The story set a new record for click-through rate (CTR), with 9.7% of email subscribers clicking through to the site in July 2023.

Sweating the assets

It was the most engaged-with content on the e-newsletter in 2023, impressive when you consider it was one of seven prize draws and a total of 96 pieces of content published on Audi Update that year. Yet, Audi Update transcends mere project status; it's a passion project, and we are continually seeking ways to enhance the site and emails, engage customers and reward loyalty.