Following one rule, breaking all the others
Every year Northstar creates the official programme for the annual Goodwood Revival, the UK’s premier historic racing festival. The brief demands that it features details of every race. That’s the one rule we obey…

Communists, cartoon characters, puppets…
Obviously there’s a classic racing car on the cover? No. We set out not to focus just on the racing but to energise the memory of an era. People come to the Revival to relive past times, dress up in period costume, party like it’s 1951….

All the fun of the fair
Punch & Judy on the cover, beautiful period images of classic fairground scenes, a specially commissioned Dennis the Menace cartoon strip, a potted history of the zebra crossing, and recalling the fear of Communism during the era of the Cambridge Spies – all throwbacks to a bygone age, each treated with a modern, irreverent sensibility.

Hand-in-glove with the spirit of Goodwood
This levity and breadth of purpose reflects a relationship Northstar is very proud of – for 20 years we have been close partners with Goodwood, creating programmes for each of their three annual flagship events, along with many other celebration books and guides. It’s a two-way relationship, built on trust. Very much a template for how we like to do business.